Clinical Departments

Contributing to the social and economic regeneration of the communities we serve, by providing learning, teaching and research opportunities.

The institution has six Clinical Departments :

1. Nursing Foundation (NF)
2. Community Health Nursing (CHN)
3. Midwifery & Obstetric Nursing (MON)
4. Pediatric Nursing (PN - Child Health Nursing)
5. Medical-Surgical Nursing (MSN – Adult Health Nursing)
6. Mental Health Nursing ( MHN - Psychiatric Nursing

Departmental Functions:

1. Nursing Foundation (NF):
Teaching 1st year UG students the basics of Nursing Arts, Science & Economics in correlation with all basic health sciences such as, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition & Dietetics, Microbiology. Main focus is on normal human health and causes of deviation to ill-health: Holistic Health Concept through Nursing Process.

2. Community Health Nursing (CHN):
Teaching all senior years of UG & PG students the Levels of Illness Prevention. Main focus is on Family & Community Health, through Participatory Health Care Concepts. People’s empowerment for sustenance of own health is the advance thinking

3. Mental Health Nursing (MHN - Psychiatric Nursing):
Teaching all groups of UG & PG students the functioning of human mind, body-mind relationship and the science & arts of caring for mental challenged persons. The major focus is on "Healthy mind in a healthy body”

4. Midwifery & Obstetric Nursing (MON):
Teaching all years of UG & PG students the process of human birth, from conception to 28 days of life, including illness prevention of mother &child. The major focus is to ensure safe motherhood and child safety.

5. Pediatric Nursing (PN - Child Health Nursing):
Teaching all groups of UG & PG students the overall physical, emotional and social growth and development of children from 29th day of birth till adolescence, including children’s health related issues and holistic nursing care through Nursing Process.

6. Medical-Surgical Nursing (MSN – Adult Health Nursing):
Teaching the senior years of UG & PG students the adult health issues requiring medical or surgical interventions and related Nursing Care, encompassing all stages of life. The main consideration of care is ‘Man is a bio-psycho-social being’, pertaining to Holistic Health Care.